Monday, March 16, 2015

Scholarships for College

Scholarships, Grants & Prizes
Congratulations!  You are going to your dream college.  All your hard work in high school has paid off.  You can kick off your shoes and relax and just wait for August to come.  Yes? Well.... maybe there is one last step you should take.

From 1978 till 2014, the CPI index has increased 279%, medical care by 634%, and college tuition and fees by 1,225% as recorded by Bloomberg Business.  A freshman attending UIUC in 1985 would have paid $1,314 for tuition; while a freshman attending UIUC in 2014 paid $11,834.

Ultimate Scholarship Book
There are helpful resources out there.  Your high schools' College and Career Counseling Office has listings of local scholarships, and of course there is FAFSA that provides scholarships and loans to qualified applicants. The Library also has helpful resources such as the four titles listed here and others in our catalog.

to four scholarships each year for qualified 
Lake Forest High School graduating seniors as well. 
Check out their website for more information.

Scholarship Handbook

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